Student Records and Grades
• Late changes in class status (i.e., credit to audit, past quarterly deadline withdraw)
• Set aside of low grades from previous quarters
• Substitution of graduation requirements
• Taking more than 18 credits in one quarter
After reviewing the petition, the registrar will either make a ruling on the petition or forward it to the appropriate WVC administrator for further review/ruling.
Petitions for readmission after an academic suspension are reviewed by a WVC counselor.
All petitions must be in writing and submitted on the appropriate form, available through the admissions/registration office.
After the initial decision on a petition is made, the student can appeal this decision to the WVC Academic Regulations Committee. Filing for an appeal is completed through the student services office.
All appeals must be in writing. Petitioners may appear in person before the committee but are not required to do so. It is the responsibility of the student to be fully aware of the policies and procedures that govern a specific program in which the student is seeking enrollment or is currently enrolled.
The three levels of unsatisfactory academic performance are Warning, Probation and Suspension.
1. Submit a completed petition for readmission form to
the student services office.
2. Complete a readmission interview with a counselor.
During the interview, you should be prepared to:
• Identify the reasons for poor academic performance.
• Present a plan for eliminating the factors contributing to poor academic performance.
• Review your educational goals.
• Present an educational plan that includes proposed course schedules for the next one to three quarters and how those courses relate to an educational goal.
3. Be reinstated by the college.
The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is Wenatchee Valley College’s authorized agent for degree and enrollment verifications. We report student enrollment to NSC after the tenth day of the current term.
Third Party Verification
The National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) is Wenatchee Valley College’s authorized
agent for degree and enrollment verifications. Your request can be made at
Verification Form Completion
If you have a form that needs completing by us, please email the form to This type of form is normally given to students by housing entities, colleges using
transfer forms, insurance companies for good driver discounts, in-school deferment
requests, scholarships, work permits, the Department of Labor and Industries, health
insurances and the Social Security Administration. Requests will be processed in
the order in which they are received, normally by the tenth day of the quarter.
Request your transcripts at or through your GED® account.
Here are the steps for requesting a transcript:
Step 1: Go to and click on "Grads and Transcripts"
Step 2: Scroll down to the "Request Your Transcript" section, click on GED Grads, and then use the "Select Area" drop-down to select "Washington." Click "Prior to 2014," and then "Visit Our Transcript Site."
Step 3: Create an account and request an official transcript.
Note: You will need an email address to set up an account and request your transcript.
Note: Financial aid eligibility and veterans’ benefits may be affected by the application of some of these policies (e.g., withdrawal from class, incomplete grade, auditing a class, etc.). Please contact the financial aid office and your adviser if you are considering a change in your class schedule.
Grades used in computing grade point average are:
Grade | Point Value |
A | 4.0 |
A- | 3.7 |
B+ | 3.3 |
B | 3.0 |
B- | 2.7 |
C+ | 2.3 |
C | 2.0 |
C- | 1.7 |
D+ | 1.3 |
D | 1.0 |
D-* | 0.7 |
F | 0.0 |
* The “D-” letter grade will no longer be assigned at WVC after spring 2012.
Grades not used in computing grade point average are:
P | Pass |
Y | Work in Progress |
W | Withdrawal |
N | Audit |
I | Incomplete |
NP | No Pass |
* | Removed Grade |
“Pass” definition: a grade of “C” or higher earns a pass; a lower grade earns a no pass or an F.
• Earn at least 12 credits in courses numbered 100 or above. (“I,” “P,” “NP” and “Y” designations do not count toward the 12-credit minimum.)
• Earn a 4.0 GPA for the president’s list.
• Earn a 3.5 - 3.99 GPA for the dean’s list.
Honors are listed at graduation for students with a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher.
If you carry at least 12 credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of 3.2 or higher, you are eligible to join the local chapter of Phi Theta Kappa, the national community college honor society. Phi Theta Kappa encourages scholarship, leadership and service. Members of Eta Rho (Wenatchee campus) and Alpha Kappa Eta (Omak campus) are active at the local, state, regional and international levels.
Students are cautioned against taking courses in their major or minor on a pass/fail basis. In most cases, a maximum of 10 pass/fail credits may be applied toward degree requirements at WVC.
Students may repeat a course to improve their grades; however, all grades will remain on the transcript. A course may be repeated only twice (taken a total of three times), unless the course description in the WVC Catalog specifically states that the course can be repeated for credit. However, courses repeated for credit do not generally count toward the completion of a degree or certificate. Repeated courses will be marked with an "R" next to the grade on your transcript.
This policy applies only to courses taken at WVC. Courses taken at other colleges cannot be used to replace a class on your WVC transcript.
Please note: Repeating courses may impact your financial aid eligibility. For more information, visit the Financial Aid Policies page.
Residency Requirements
To be classified as a Washington resident for educational purposes and to qualify for resident tuition rates, students are required by state law to be either:
Financially Independent Student
Have established a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington primarily for purposes
other than education for a period of one year immediately before the first day of
the quarter for which they have registered at any institution; and be financially
Financially Dependent Student
Be a dependent student with one or both of their parents or legal guardians having
maintained a bona fide domicile in the state of Washington for at least one year immediately
before the first day of the quarter for which they have registered at any institution.
Active Duty Military and Washington National Guard
Active duty military stationed in Washington, their spouses and dependents; Washington
National Guard members; spouse or dependent of National Guard if residence is Washington
are eligible to pay resident tuition. Must submit copy of orders to Washington and
military ID.
Residency Reclassification
To apply for residency reclassification, students must submit the Residency Questionnaire and provide the required documentation to student development. See the residency questionnaire and the WAC's for Residency Designation for complete details. Completed forms can be sent to:
Wenatchee Campus
Wenatchee Valley College
Attn: Admissions Office
1300 Fifth Street
Wenatchee, WA 98801
Omak Campus
Wenatchee Valley College at Omak
Attn: Admissions
P.0> Box 2058
Omak, WA 98841
Residency questionnaires are also available at the admissions/registration office.
Proof of residency is each student’s responsibility. Reclassification will take place in the quarter the change is approved, provided the updated residency questionnaire is submitted within 30 calendar days following the first day of the quarter. Acceptable evidence of Washington state residency for one year before enrollment can include:
- Valid Washington state driver’s license
- Voter registration card
- Washington registration of motor vehicles
- Purchase of property in Washington
- Rent receipts
- Verification of not having received financial aid from another state
International students attending WVC who have been granted an I-20 are classified as non-resident regardless of their length of residency in Washington state.
Nonresident waiver for United States citizens and INS Permanent Residents
The Washington State Board for Community and Technical Colleges has authorized the
colleges to waive a portion of the nonresident tuition rate for United State citizens
and INS Permanent residents who have not met the above criteria for in-state residency. WVC
honors this automatic waiver at the time student makes application to the college.
Resident Tuition for Washington High School Graduates Who Are Not U.S. Citizens
Effective July 1, 2003, Washington state law was changed (House Bill 1079) to make certain students who are not permanent residents or citizens of the United States eligible to pay resident tuition rates when they attend public colleges and universities in this state. To qualify for resident tuition rate, students must complete an affidavit/declaration/certification if they are not permanent residents or citizens of the United States but have met the following conditions:
Resided in Washington State for the three (3) years immediately prior to receiving a high school diploma, and completed the full senior year at a Washington high school,
Completed the equivalent of a high school diploma and resided in Washington state for the three (3) years immediately before receiving the equivalent of the diploma,
Continuously resided in the State since earning the high school diploma or its equivalent.
If you meet the above criteria, once you have an application for admission on file, submit a signed Affidavit to admissions/registration. Please note that only affidavits with an original signature can be accepted.Do not fax or e-mail a copy to WVC. We may request an official copy of your high school transcripts to process your residency status.
The Low Grade Set Aside Policy allows you to remove poor academic records that no longer reflect your current academic performance. Only petitions to set aside all grades in a particular quarter are considered. This option is not available for singular courses within a quarter. Grades that are set aside are not removed from the student’s transcript. Rather, an “*” notation is placed next to the grade which indicates that the course will no longer be used when calculating a new cumulative grade point average. Credits that are set aside cannot be used to fulfill any requirements for graduation. Please note that Federal Financial Aid regulations do not recognize grade “set asides.”
Students may only petition for a set aside provision for two quarters during their time at Wenatchee Valley College. Students may petition to set aside a quarter which has 1) at least one grade that is a C- or lower OR 2) where the quarterly GPA is below 2.0.
Thirty (30) credits of class work at WVC with a GPA of 2.0 or better is required as evidence of a student’s changed scholastic performance. Exceptions to these procedures can be made by petition to the Academic Regulations Committee. Only grades earned at Wenatchee Valley College can be set aside under this policy.
A “W” designation indicates that you have dropped a class. The last day of each quarter
to withdraw from classes is specified on the official Academic Calendar. Complete
information on withdrawing from a class is available in the admissions/registration
Instructors may choose to administratively withdraw a student who does not attend
the first two days of class, but the responsibility of withdrawing still lies with
the student. Do not assume an instructor will withdraw you for not attending class.
When in doubt, check the student portal to determine if you are still registered for
the class or contact the admissions/registration office. Failure to formally withdraw
from class will normally result in a failing grade. You can withdraw through the Registration
function on the MyWVC Portal. You can also submit a Course Change form, available
in the admissions/registration office.
Military Withdrawal:
Students submitting proof of being called into military service may receive credit
and/or refund of fees as follows:
- A full refund will be made upon receipt of call-up notification letter and a “W”
grade will be recorded,
- You may receive an “I” or “Y” with approval from the instructor(s) and no refund
will be made or the chief student services officer may grant a degree prior to induction
into the armed forces. No refund will be made.