Financial Aid Forms
Read the instructions carefully. Be sure to use the correct forms and documentation . Use of incorrect forms and documentation will delay processing.
You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the forms on these pages. You may download the latest version at Some of the forms are interactive, allowing you to type out the needed information prior to printing the form.
Don't forget to sign your form. You may drop it off at our office (Wenatchi Hall)
or mail it to: Wenatchee Valley College Financial Aid Office 1300 Fifth Street Wenatchee,
WA 98801
Some forms are year-specific. Be sure to use the correct year. Our year-specific
forms can found on the Forms page for the year that corresponds to the year you are
applying for financial aid. Click on the "All Other Forms: Year-Specific" button below,
or use the right hand navigation menu to go to our year-specific forms.
Submitting Forms and Documents: Students are able to securely submit their financial aid documents using the "Upload
Documents" feature in the "Additional Resources" Tile in the ctcLink Student Services
1. Go to Student Homepage > Additional Resources > Upload Documents (TIP: From WVC
Dashboard, click "Full Site" at bottom of menu to go to Student Homepage)
2. Select Wenatchee Valley College from the drop down menu then click Continue
3. Enter "FA" for Document Class and choose an appropriate Document Type
4. Upload document(s)
Please visit if you would like visual step by step instructions on how to upload your documents.
For Financial Aid documents, always use Document Class "FA".
It all starts with the FAFSA application
Free Application For Student Aid (FAFSA)With the exception of some scholarships, all financial aid awarding uses information found on the FAFSA. To receive grants, Work-Study, and loans, you will need to start with the FAFSA. |
All students receiving financial aid are required to read the three documents in this section. It is the student's responsibility to read the documents and to direct any questions to the Wenatchee Valley College Financial Aid Office.
Conditions of Financial Aid AwardTo receive financial aid, each student must meet the Conditions of Award outlined on the back of the award letter. Conditions can change from year to year. It is the student's responsibility to read these Conditions of Award and to direct any questions to the Wenatchee Valley College Financial Aid Office. |
Financial Aid Award InformationThis contains important information that you should know if receiving any financial aid funds, including the following: Grants, Loans, Work-Study, Waivers or Scholarships. It is the student's responsibility to read this information and to direct any questions to the Wenatchee Valley College Financial Aid Office. |
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial AidIt is every student's responsibility to read and follow the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy. Please contact the financial aid office if you have any questions regarding the Satisfactory Progress policy. |
To be eligible for financial aid, federal regulations require students to make satisfactory progress in an eligible degree or certificate program, and to complete their degree within the allotted number of credits for that degree. Download and read the policy below for more information and use the forms below to file appeals for exceptions to the policy.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Financial AidIt is every student's responsibility to read and comply with the Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy. Failure to comply can result in loss of your current and future financial aid. Click on the link above to download and read the complete policy. Please contact the financial aid office if you have any questions regarding the Satisfactory Progress policy. |
If you have mitigating circumstances beyond your control and wish to appeal financial aid termination, please use the appropriate form below to explain your circumstances.
Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal FormUse this form to explain circumstances that may have caused failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress. You will need to give a detailed explanation and also include what you have done to resolve the issue and to be successful in the future. |
Maximum Attempted Credit (MAC) Appeal FormStudents who are close to or have exceeded the maximum credits allowed for financial aid eligibility (maximum attempted credits, MAC) may appeal for an extension to our Satisfactory Progress policy when unusual circumstances beyond their control contributed to their inability to complete their degree within the allotted amount of credits. |
Consortium Contract & Information SheetA consortium agreement is used when a student needs to take a required course at a "HOST" school because the "HOME" school does not offer the required class in the time frame needed to complete a degree. IMPORTANT:Your "HOME" school is the one who will be granting your degree.
Consortium agreements can be personally submitted, emailed to or faxed to 509-682-6811. Be sure to note the subject as "Consortium Agreement". |
150% Subsidized Loan Rule Info SheetOn July 6, 2013, a new provision was added to the Direct Loan statutory requirements
that limits a new borrower's eligibility for Direct Subsidized Loans to a period not
to exceed 150 percent of the length of the borrower's educational program. Under certain
conditions, the provision also causes new borrowers who have exceeded the 150 percent
limit to lose the interest subsidy on their Direct Subsidized loans. |
Our year-specific forms can found on the Forms page for the year that corresponds to the year you are applying for financial aid. Use the buttons below, or the right hand navigation menu to go to our year-specific forms.
2023-2024 Forms