Acceptable Use
Please follow these guidelines whe accessing WVC Technology resources:
- The WVC network (wireless and wired) and network devices are intended for educational, class, and work related use only.
- The storage of files on the local hard drive of any device is not permitted. Any files saved to the local hard drive will be deleted overnight.
- Food and drink are not allowed in classrooms or labs with computers in them.
- Refer to the WVC Computer Lab Policy below for more information on acceptable use of WVC computing facilities.
Section 700.200 of the college policies states:
WVC’s technology department strives to provide security and privacy in all electronic transactions. However, no electronic or physical system can be 100% guaranteed for privacy and security. In addition, WVC reserves the right to monitor any and all electronic messages and transactions that travel on or through its Local Area Networks for the following purposes:
- Troubleshooting of hardware, software and technology services.
- Monitoring compliance to these policies.
- Gathering data on Quality of Service and other measures for assessing technology infrastructure.