Student Holidays for Faith or Conscience
RCW 1.16.050 as amended by SS Bill 5173 provides that Wenatchee Valley College students are entitled to two days of excused absences per academic year for reasons of faith or conscience or for organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization.
Students' grades may not be adversely impacted by absences authorized under this policy. Each holiday taken under this policy must be taken as a whole day, i.e. the day may not be divided into hours and taken piecemeal.
Approved by the president’s cabinet: 12/30/14
Adopted by the board of trustees: 1/21/15
Last reviewed: __/__/__
Policy contact: Student Services
Related policies and procedures
1400.610 Student Holidays for Faith or Conscience Procedure
Students must coordinate an absence with the chief academic officer (vice president of instruction) at least two-weeks prior to the desired absence, unless the purpose of the absence was not known until later. All requests for authorized absences under this policy must be in writing and contain a concise explanation of how the requested holiday is related to a reason of faith or conscience or an organized activity conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or religious organization.
All absences under this policy must be approved by the chief academic officer in advance of the absence. The college will not authorize an absence for a student after the absence occurs absent compelling circumstances.
The office of the chief academic officer will respond to the student and all affected faculty approving or denying the absence. The response will confirm the date of the approved absence and provide further instructions. In order to ensure that their absence does not negatively affect their grades, the student must comply with directions concerning contacting instructors and making up work.
When an instructor is contacted by the student concerning an upcoming absence, the instructor will determine what adjustments, if any, will need to be made to the student's scheduled classwork or assignments. The instructor will inform the student of these adjustments within two days of receiving the student's notification.
If the student's desired absence date is on a day when a test is scheduled or an assignment is due, the instructor may require that the student take the test or submit the assignment before or after the regularly assigned date.
Regardless of an instructor’s class expectations or grading policies, absences authorized under this policy shall not adversely impact a student’s grade.
If a student fails to contact any of their instructors regarding an authorized absence (as directed by the chief academic officer), the instructor is not obligated to make any accommodations for the student's absence or treat the absence as authorized under this policy or the law.
Approved by the president’s cabinet: 12/30/14, __/__/__
Presented to the board of trustees: 1/21/15, __/__/__
Last reviewed: __/__/__
Procedure contact: Student Services
Related policies and procedures
400.610 Student Holidays for Faith or Conscience Policy